Friday, 8 June 2012

Project 3: Playblast

-Missing last scene as haven't finalised secondry character model

To fix (based on tutor feedback):
-Character introduction breaking out of box
-edit/flow make sure it works

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Project 3: Updates


Testing rig/revamped model, environment and texturing

Revamped model rigged


Raygun + Hammer textured and in scene

Cute little guy + box (rigged using blend shapes)

raygun model + reference

Scene with lighting

scene finalised

Character Model Changes

- Removed fingers/opted for "mittened" hands to suit cartoon theme and make easier for rigging
- added small feet to aid with rigging/animating walk cycle

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Project 2: Pre Production


Character Model

Environment Images







Tapio Wirkkala

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Project 1: Materiality Development

Test Playblast Render

Precedent Images: Materiality

Precedent: Angry Blob

After feedback from my original concepts I have decided to pursue my third idea but with a new perspective. My changing form is going to be all about what is within and how it differs to what is displayed on the outside of an object. In order to portray contrast in natures I am going to imbue my animated material with human-like characteristics to display different emotions. If my object somehow changes from something with a personality portrayed as inherently spiky and angry, such as the above picture i found of an angry blob, to something more animated and happy-like, this change will be made obvious.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Project 1 Materiality: Research and Concepts

Concept Drawings

Material Research


For my initial concept I'm trying to explore the idea of 3d forms being the sum of smaller, more complex parts and how these parts affect the materiality of an object. I see my precedent image as a fairly literal example of this idea, up close this is a wall clearly made up of a multitude of small, individually complex stones but as a whole they form a much simpler, larger form.

 I think scale has a massive influence on any kind of 3d material form and how it is perceived. Obviously the more/smaller parts there are making up an object then the bigger possibility for more complex materiality and form however where the object is being looked upon from can also have a massive impact on this. Taking this stone wall as an example if you were to look at it from a distance its materiality would be seen as a lot smoother, possibly even flat and as one plain colour because of its scale relative to the eye, which as can be seen, is completely different to when viewed up close.

image retrieved from